About This Game This Grand Life is a personal finance simulator where you create a character, manage their money and help them achieve their life goals. Cruise your way through life with a silver spoon, or struggle endlessly to find employment as a convicted felon. You cannot control your past, but you can change your future. What choices will you make?Inspired by Sierra's 1990 game Jones In The Fast Lane, your life is divided into weeks. You try to accomplish as much as you can each week while economic conditions and special events create interesting choices to think about. Do I go to work this week, or take part in the Hot Dog Eating competition at the park? Should I spend time looking for a better job, or stick with my current job until economic conditions improve?Current Features: Balancing Needs - Core game loop of balancing short-term needs such as hunger, fun, hygiene and health with long-term goals like happiness, wealth and education. Stylised City Maps - The game map is based on a real major city, thanks to satellite imagery from the European Space Agency! Education System - Study for degrees, diplomas and PHDs, required for some higher level occupations. Go to trade school or university. Promising Careers and Dead End Jobs - Prestigious career paths like Banking and Chef, plus lower level occupations like Janitor and Salesperson. Progressive Taxation System - The more you earn, the higher your tax bracket. Possessions - Fridges, TVs and Computers which help with your short-term needs. Collectibles - Collect stamps, coins and other rare items to achieve your long-term goals. Subscription Services - Sign up for services that make life easier, like grocery delivery or cable TV. Special Events - Home Robbery, Hotdog Eating Competition, Steam Sales and more. Detailed Economic Simulation - Inflation, interest rates and economic growth influence your investments and job competition. Investment and Debt - Borrow money to achieve your goals or invest for a future where you won't have to work. Minimum repayments and interest rates calculated realistically. Real Estate - Buy properties through an auction system. Live in it yourself or rent out your properties to tenants. Stock Market - Buy and sell shares on the stock market. Watch out for poor corporate management. Traits/Privilege System - Begin life with advantages like rich parents, or disadvantages like alcoholism. Freelance/Contractor Business - Hire employees, advertise your brand, complete jobs and grow your reputation. Tutorial - An interactive tutorial where your mother tells you to get a job. Moddability - Create your own careers, courses, locations, possessions and more. All content designed to be highly moddable. 1075eedd30 Title: This Grand LifeGenre: Indie, RPG, SimulationDeveloper:Poking Water GamesPublisher:Poking Water GamesRelease Date: 17 Apr, 2018 This Grand Life Free Download [torrent Full] this grand life german. this grand life steam workshop. this grand life gameplay. this grand life app. this grand life trainer mrantifun. this grand life demo. this grand life wiki. this grand life car. this grand life reddit. this grand life steamspy. this grand life smoking. this grand life full. this grand life tips. this grand life game. this grand life traits. this grand life review. this grand life test. this grand life game cheat. this grand life g2a. this grand life health. this grand life similar. this grand life free download. this grand life forum. this grand life business. this grand life türkçe yama. this grand life workshop. this grand life fr. this grand life guide. this grand life cpa exam. this grand life game wiki. this grand life money cheat. this grand life happiness. this grand life. this grand life mac. this grand life cheat table. this grand life trainer. this grand life türkçe. this grand life best job. let's play this grand life. this grand life mods. this grand life pc game. this grand life igg. this grand life fun. this grand life bar exam. this grand life v2.53. this grand life tax. this grand life update. this grand life stock market. this grand life guard chief. this grand life crack. this grand life indiedb. this grand life on mac. this grand life privilege points. this grand life careers. taste this life grand cayman. this grand life key. this grand life jobs. this grand life hack. this grand life free. this grand life crash. this grand life cheats. this grand life system requirements. games like this grand life. this grand life skidrow. this grand life version. this grand life cheat engine. this grand life marriage. this grand life steam key. this grand life v1.01. this grand life youtube. this grand life law experience. this american life grand gestures. this grand life dating. this grand life patch fr. this grand life similar games. this grand life game review. this american life podcast grand gesture. this grand life game download. this grand life ios. this grand life mrantifun. this grand life steam. this grand life how to increase happiness. this grand life download. this grand life metacritic Fun little life simulator.Amazing how with poorly times aunt visits, rent payments and your aparment being robbed life can go south real fast. Quite accurate.Serious bit with an update.Started out with No Priviledge points, homeless and unemployedLong grind working in a fast food place and renting a place outTried to fulfill the health need by having an excercise bike but living in a sketchy part of town meant it was robbed every two weeks.Then got a job as a bouncer for 2 yearsProceeded to spend 3 years doing part-time bouncer work whilst studying for a Law diplomaAfter finishing Law diploma I am now working as a Paralegal in the city centre with a Car and wife (as a tip wive's aren't that worth it in the short run as getting engaged and married is quite expenseive and having to keep taking them out on dates so they dont divorce you is a strain enough.)7/10 - Would pull myself up by my bootstraps again. Probably a lot more fun with mods and if you don't mind a grind its worth a buy.. Not worth 15 euro. Really enjoying this game so far. Despite being in a bare bones state at the moment; easily enough content for one or two playthroughs and the potential is clear. I look forward to checking in on this again in a couple of months.. It's a fairly interesting game of manageing needs and money that boils down really to if you are happy then you will suceed in life. the millionare campaign is an undertakeing but can be done easily even if you have no idea what you really are doing.my experiance was mostly trying to gain capital while having my excercise machine stolen every week for at least 3 months straight, so i like to immagine that somewhere there is just one theif who hordes excersise equipment in his basement laughing at the people who just keep buying new ones for him to steal.maybe it was my end but the music was non-existant if it even existed in the first place.it's not going to be everyone's cup of tea but for those who are interested I would recomend it becasue you can get some good laughs if you are going through with your friends around who laugh as you go to the store to but the 50th exersise machine.. Great game, worth the price!. Good- Interesting concept, I like the conceptBad- Feel like an early Alpha- End-game = bad . The ultimate gold for this game to start your own business. But it is not a busines. It is a job with "helpers". You have to manually click on work, assign "helpers" to work, and so on. Doesnt have a feel of a business.- Too shallow. Even the game-of-life board game have more depth. Like you can stay in 2-3 places, have 1 single path of "food cooking item" choices. Total number of items you can buy is 4. Seriously, 4 (food, excerise, transport, tv).Conclusion:- I hope the developers will add in more depth into this game.. So..I just emulated my own life.And 3 months in my guy basically killed himself.Not sure what to make of this...The game itself is fine. Nothing too deep, it is easy to play optimally.The best part is probably the simulated economy including stocks and inflation rates.. Great game. Very funny life/money/study/work manager. Strong buy reco.. I wanted to like this game, but keeping up happiness is very, VERY difficult. It's almost to the level of preaching how hard life is. Perhaps I will re-buy it when that issue is taken care of. But until then, it's not a game I find fun.. To start things off I want to tell you just how happy I am to be alive! This Grand life has taught me the True Meaning of life and just why I am alive today! I mean my in-game character did possibly die three times of insanity but looking past that I now know how lucky I am to be alive and it is all down to this 5 Star one of a kind game!Okay aside from... that, in all seriousness This Grand Life is a great game and you should definitely invest your money into it! I say that complete truth. (Yes, I know I got given the game but that has not affected my review) When you start i think you may find the game a little boring, that’s a fact, but once you get past that first 15 minutes and have gathered your bearings you can enjoy the full expanse of choices this game has to offer. You can start at the top or choose the begin at the bottom and battle to become that Rich Boy genius that you strive to be. Or on the flip side you could become a renowned failure and start to drink beer all day and pick fights with whomever attempts to bat an eyelid in your direction. At the end of the day it is Your Life and you can make it a Grand Life if you so desire. So, get out there and make your life worth it!
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Updated: Dec 8, 2020